San Andrea School is an independent, co-educational, mixed ability school educating over 1100 students aged 2 to 16 years from Pre-Nursery to Grade 12. Considered one of the best schools in Malta for international students, this school has been at the forefront of initiating future-oriented learning methodologies, promoting extracurricular programmes and ensuring the best quality teachers and staff.
The school emphasises on a balanced academic curriculum that also considers the students’ well-being, individuality and self-confidence.

Our Premises
Early Sector
Classrooms are clustered by grade with a common area between them and children have dedicated playing areas according to their age group where safety is given prime importance. All classrooms are equipped with Personal Computers.
Middle Sector
Children can benefit from spacious classrooms and two labs, one for science, one for computers and a library. They also have their own playing area so that they do not mix with the older or younger children.
Senior Sector
This sector is built over four levels with classrooms dedicated to each subject. Children therefore move from one classroom to another depending on the subjects chosen. The school has two science laboratories, a computer lab, a library and an audio visual room. Canteen facilities are also provided.
Our History
San Andrea School was founded in 1992 at Sedqa, Independence Avenue, Naxxar by the Parents Foundation of Education (who also founded San Anton School). At the time it was composed of three classes.
Today, San Andrea School is situated in the middle of the Maltese countryside and it is composed of three buildings: Early Sector, Middle Sector and Senior Sector where each building is adapted to a specific age group.

The Parents Foundation For Education
Way back in the mid-1980s, a group of parents got together to share views on a common educational situation: they were concerned about the educational future of their young children because private schooling at the time did not offer enough choice of schools to parents.
The solution they concluded was to set up an independent school financed by the collective effort of the parents. The idea soon gathered momentum among parents and the response was overwhelming.
Parents found the moral strength needed to realise an idea which at the time was only a desire to do something for the educational development of their children.
The notarial public deed that gave birth to the Foundation was published on the 2nd July, 1988 in the records of Notary Public, Dr. Pierre Attard.
The School Board
The School Board is a school body set up in accordance with Article 10 of the School statute. Its functions and role can be summarised as follows:
to implement on behalf of the Trustees all matters of policy relating to the School
to oversee the overall management, administration and co-ordination of the School
to be responsible for the correct administration of all funds and assets of the School
to ensure that the school accounts and all other administrative matters including school licences, school transport, security, property management are in order, and that the School is provided with the necessary support services
to appoint each year the School Auditors and make available the audited accounts as well as other financial information to the parents of the School
to establish academic and administrative posts and determine the salary scale and other employment terms and conditions attached to them
to review the objectives and establish a development plan for the School and give direction to the Heads of School, the Administrator and the School Representative Council
to make its recommendations and give instructions to the Heads of School and the Administrator
to monitor and evaluate whether the School is developing in line with the aims, ideals and policies of the Foundation and the School and whether objectives set are being attained
to monitor all the different Sectors of the School and endeavour to have first hand knowledge of the educational progress and general environment of the School.
to monitor the workings of the School Representative Council
to receive reports from the Heads of School with regard to various aspects of the school’s operations
to keep all parents informed of developments and future plans of the School
to safeguard the personal rights and interests of all members of the school, including the Heads of School, the Administrator, the teaching staff, auxiliary staff, parents and students of the School and to hear that complaints are submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the School Board
The Statute provides for the Board to be composed of ten parent members and requires that “every consideration shall be made to ensure as far as possible a School Board that has financial, managerial, educational and legal expertise.”
As can be seen the School Board performs a very important role in San Andrea. All its members are volunteer parents who dedicate their time and offer their expertise and experience to the benefit of the School.
The current San Andrea School Board is made up of the following parents:
Chairperson: Dr Nicholas Valenzia
Vice chairperson: Dr Frederick Ellul
Secretary: Ms Denise Vella
Members: Mr Chris Mallia, Mr Alex Falzon, Mr Patrick Gauci, Dr Alistair Facciol, Dr Beverly Cutajar, Dr Naomi Attard, Dr Lucianne Zammit and Mr Adrian Giordano Imbroll
The Board is also supported by ad-hoc specialist committees that are formed in part by Board members and in part by other parents that are appointed from time to time to tackle specific issues such as ICT and Marketing.
You may contact the Board by either writing to the Secretary c/o the School, or else via email:
Our Motto
Reason - Respect - Responsibility
is instilled in our students on a daily basis.
We feel that for a person to be whole these three values are crucial in life.
Our Vision
At San Andrea School we are committed to be a proactive, independent and influential school with a clear and challenging vision of being:
An educational institution which offers a learning programme which supports a more robust, holistic ethos of collaboration, creative, and critical problem solving.
To create interrelationships between healthy communities, the prospect of meaningful employment, and a highly educated citizenry with career and life skills which contribute to responsibility, empathy, personal health, and wellbeing.
Our Mission
Our mission statement is at the heart of all our operations, incorporates our key priorities and is designed to inspire our students and staff.
San Andrea aims to repurpose education to reflect a vision that contributes to well-being for all – individually and collectively. Students and staff are thriving, contributing to real world solutions, and embracing what it means to bring life to education and education to life. At San Andrea we recognise that learning is deeply influenced by what is learned, how it is learned, where and when it is learned, and ultimately why it is learned.
Our Ethos
San Andrea School is a fully inclusive school irrespective of ability, race, class or creed.
School must be a happy environment. Children, staff and parents must feel confident and feel a sense of belonging.
Each child will be encouraged to become independent and responsible, taking an active part in his or her own learning. Emphasis will be placed on the development of self-discipline and personal organisation.
The School aims to develop competence. Each child will be treated as an individual and will be encouraged to strive for excellence so as to realise his or her full potential in all areas of the curriculum. The main emphasis will be on the nurturing of the child’s inquisitive mind so as to develop effective learning skills and healthy attitudes towards research and learning.
Each child will receive a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum ensuring progress and continuity within and between schools. Each child will have equal access to all aspects of the curriculum.
Pupils’ thoughts, ideas and suggestions will be encouraged, accepted and valued.
Through all of its practices, San Andrea School is committed to develop in children a caring nature, responsive to other people’s needs; to respect others whatever their colour or creed; to work in co-operation developing tolerance and understanding – thus underpinning a child’s’ spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.
Each child will be encouraged to develop healthy habits and life skills through personal and social education aided by various aspects of physical education.
Each child will be provided with a stimulating and aesthetic environment to encourage the development of an enquiring mind and to foster enthusiasm, excitement and interest in learning.
Staff, governors and parents will work together as a team to ensure that the right climate is provided in which children can thrive.
Parents will be kept informed about their children at regular intervals but immediate communication will always be possible.
Through all the above, San Andrea School strives to provide the best education for each individual student under its care.