Middle Sector
Children spend three years in our Middle School as they are prepared for the transition into Senior Sector. Our qualitative approach ensures that each child receives individual care and attention that meets their needs.
The Middle sector serves the needs of children between the ages of 7 and 11 before they enter the Senior sector for the final phase of their compulsory education.
Here, the children are prepared for the different subjects that they will take up at Senior sector level. They are given subject teachers for certain areas so that they will start to learn to adapt to different subject areas, and to different individual teachers.
The teaching in Middle sector is topic-based, as required by the National Minimum Curriculum. Subject teachers find proper links so that subjects are inter-connected, and learning is more logical and interesting to the children.
Our teachers, who are all highly qualified, hold regular weekly meetings in order to plan their teaching with colleagues, and are obliged to attend Professional Development days where teaching methods are discussed and the latest educational developments are implemented, where appropriate.
The Middle sector boasts of a number of special rooms for subject teaching. These include a well-equipped Library, a room for Drama and Music, an Art room, a PSCD room, a Mini Gym for indoor PE and a fully-equipped ICT Lab.
Play areas are allocated according to year groups so that, as much as possible, each year group is kept to its own age range. The children are encouraged to join in the lunch break activities provided by the school, so that their breaks are a source of enjoyment and learning.

Grade 4 to Grade 7
(7 to 10 year olds)
Similarly, all curriculum in middle school follows the National Curriculum Framework*. During this time, the curriculum is delivered through a pedagogy that encourages and promotes children to:
- become independent learners by carrying out research, engaging in problem solving, observing information critically and assimilating new knowledge;
- become organised and responsible for their work for a smoother transition to the years in senior school;
- engage in creative thinking, enhance their study skills and prepare effectively for both continuous and summative assessments;
- integrate their knowledge and apply skills and competencies to all areas of the curriculum to promote life-long learning.
Environmental Studies (Grade 5 to Grade 7)
Lessons with Subject Teachers
Personal, Social, Citizenship/Careers Development (P.S.C.D.)
Physical Education (P.E.)
Library Skills Lessons
ICT (Grade 5 to Grade 7)
Italian (Grade 7)

Programmes available
Grades 5, 6 and 7
Maltese as a foreign language (MFL)
The ‘Maltese as a Foreign Language’ (MFL) Programme targets those children who are not Maltese nationals or who are Maltese nationals recently returned from living overseas. The MFL Programme takes place at the same time as the mainstream Maltese classes, twice a week.
The MFL Programme is a graded, structured programme which focuses on building the pupils’ knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical structure, besides developing the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Pupil progress is continuously assessed throughout the year and by an end-of-year examination in June, as is the case with the other core subjects.